Friday, July 19, 2013


One of the most exciting moments of my day was getting to sub a yoga class for the Men's UofA basketball team. I REALLY wanted to take a photo of all of them in Savasana but instead took a photo looking into the space I taught in.

 It was the most interesting class I have ever taught in part since I had to really be flexible in how I showed up and taught. First of all the class was in the side of the gym, on hard concrete floors, loud heavy metal music playing, and the girls basketball team lifting weights behind us. We were next to the water so people walked through during class. The guys set themselves up in a circle so in order to be heard I had to walk around and repeat myself a few times (practically shouting over the music and noise of weights dropping).  I also had to change my sequence once assessing their level of flexibility and ability. It was the first time I ever taught a group of men only! It was probably the most "unyogic" environment I have ever taught in.

It was also the most fun I have had teaching a class in a while. It was great to stretch myself as a teacher and my view of myself as a teacher. It showed me that I could teach anyone, anywhere and gear a class to meet the needs of the students. I loved seeing them show up and try their best, the way they could laugh at themselves, there willingness to be vulnerable and tell me their limitations, and their ability to drop into Savasana and over half accepted some essential oil at the end of class.

After class was over, it felt like my heart would explode from the pure joy and pleasure I felt from teaching. It was a moment of remembering why I love to teach and why I am moving in the direction of a full time career in yoga.

Less exciting but still meaningful moments included seeing the lone sunflower that bloomed in my garden.

And then passing a bush at work and seeing so many bees collecting nectar.

Nature astounds me sometimes.

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